Patchwork pear

Today is the start of the rest of my life

Today I have made an important and executive decision. There has been much deliberation and a large splattering of unhappiness ever since something monumental happened. Something so wondrous and earth shattering. something that has probably touched your world too. Seven years ago I became a mummy. over night my working world no longer held the importance it once did. Gone was the social scene. Gone was the desire to succeed and progress. Gone was the excitement to get a new show on the road. Quite frankly gone was any hint of energy, because I was quite simply knackered. As a new mum to twin boys my work/life balance took an almighty shift. This air of reluctance to be away from them wrestled with my financial need to keep our heads above water as a family. This reluctance was then multiplied by the birth of my daughter. I returned dutifully after 8 months to a job I was deeply unhappy in, leaving behind my truest little fulfilment at day nursery and school.  Many a time I fought to attend sports days and nativities.  Many times my workplace presumed I’d do evening and weekend duties when I simply couldn’t and didn’t want to. This infringement on my children-time has tarnished the last seven years, so I’ve been thinking. This work-thing has taken several years of spending time with my babies that I will never recapture. Yesterday was their first day back at school and stupidly i missed it and went in to work as always. Several colleagues (with kids) were horrifed. “why didnt you come in late? ” they asked. And i couldnt think why I hadnt, other than I have settled into an uncomfortable existence of continually sacrificing my instincts to be with them, in exchange for work. I’m so conditioned I barely challenged it. And this is what has prompted me to reach my important decision. It is time for change. Work must balance with my children and this is where you can help. I have always loved writing. I adore social media. Why not combine the two? I hope you’ll join me at regular intervals as I blog. Today is the start of my new life. A blogger.

Check out the blogs in the achives.

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